You cannot live your life for everyone sometimes it even includes your family!! You were put here for only one’s purpose and that’s for The Lord our God. In most cases more often than not, we try to please others, stroke their egos to make them feel good of their deposit into your life, and in your heart, you know they are just not right. There are people who become bullies, control freaks, know it all’s, the un-trainable, and the un-obtainable. These types of people must be center of attraction, attracts many people, but go through so many friends, and even will distant loved ones, never seeing themselves as a fault of an ending relationship, can never take constructive criticism, and can never be wrong! These types of people have prideful issues, grudge holding issues, oh perfect me issues, but stand behind closed doors with a heart full of tears, because they just can’t seem to see why things happen to them.
Let me start here: Giving; giving comes from the heart, giving is to be a gift to another, a deposit into one’s life to help them in their next moment, thought, decision, or even their journey. God gives us all the ability to give and be able to bless others, the blessing of deposit does not have to be monetary, it can be a word, love, company, encouragement, wisdom, whatever you wish to call it, and it is never to be taken as being used. A person who must be in control, does not know how to not look back on a deposit, not feel like they are being used, nor can they take the back seat and learn from someone well advanced or even notice someone well advanced, young or old. Reaping what you sew, drop and go. Because you have given, put a stamp on it, done something elaborate does not mean you control that person or situation, it’s not yours, you were just a vessel ordered by God, to get it for them, or to get them going. I have encountered such people who feel the need to control friends, family, or anyone who doesn’t now they’re own “VOICE”, because these type of people validates this type of person
Beauty, Money, Hard Working, House, Cars, means nothing if you are not living right by God, you can not do God’s work and live in sin. The two do not go together, “Not everyone who says Lord, lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven, on that day many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name? (didn’t we help others, give to others) then will God declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. In other words, you can’t think just because you smile on someone, give to someone, mention the Lords name to someone, etc…is suppose to sit well with God and you are living foul. Tearing down homes, speaking negative on his people, not dropping positive deposits on others, as well as giving and having a look of return deposit, and unhappy because it does not come. Don’t expect the kind of love that someone so simple gets. That simple person does not need a brag or boast, does not need a shout out, does not need a return deposit. That simple person is just happy doing the work of the Lord, to make a happy heart. What these people do not understand, is God will bless a simple person, and they don’t even look for it. The simple person will have all kinds of people just blessing them, just because they are “just” simple and is well with it. The one who has to shine, the one who has to have a name on it, grows tired, looks tired, grows angry, grows prideful, holds grudges, because the work they did, has not been given any acknowledgement. All they have given was nice, was major, was lavish, and maybe out of this world, But it never came with love, it came with it’s all on me, but here you go, it came with look what I did, but here you go…who do I run to, but here you go, all that I had to sacrifice, but here you go, and that’s not how God sees a child of his.
If you can not open yourself up to see beyond “YOU”, then you will forever be on your knees crying, why me, why do I continue in struggle, why don’t I get the things of a simple person. Most of all, you will always have to hide behind the hardcore but really weak representative outer shell. Don’t hide behind the one’s who can’t carry their own voice, or even too scared to speak their mind, because of your foul reaction. Actually, those are simple people too, who yet to know their self worth. Yet do not know how to handle someone who can’t handle themselves…
God Needs no “Validation”, his works speaks for himself….
I Need no “Validation” because his works through me, will speak for itself.
“You” will not need any “Validation” if you open your eyes.
Do you really need “Validation” to get to your next moment/Level??
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