“Dare Boss”
Empowering, Self Sufficient, Trustworthy, Never living by society’s rule, but living by faith. A kindred spirit with determination, A leader of strength & Encouragement, pushing through all obstacles. Holding qualities of A Mother, A Wife, A Dime, A Boss, A “10BOSS”!!
Success: The attainment of Wealth, Position, Honors, or the like.
Entrepreneur: One who Organizes, Manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.
Entrepreneurship is not about owning a business; it’s about owning your life. How many times have you said you are going to be successful, how many ideas are in your head, in which you have yet to act on. In the beginning we are shown an adults future via of school, five days a week does not belong to you. Two days out of the week are yours to do whatever you choose, whether it is to read, study, focus, play, sleep, etc. in it all, it’s a train ride to successes. Some never stay on the train, stopping at what becomes pleasing to the eye, creating downfalls and delays.
Entrepreneurship is not about owning a business; it’s about owning your life. How many times have you said you are going to be successful, how many ideas are in your head, in which you have yet to act on. In the beginning we are shown an adults future via of school, five days a week does not belong to you. Two days out of the week are yours to do whatever you choose, whether it is to read, study, focus, play, sleep, etc. in it all, it’s a train ride to successes. Some never stay on the train, stopping at what becomes pleasing to the eye, creating downfalls and delays.
I bring this to your attention, because in life we are free to make our own choices. The choices you make will determine your success, yes success of wealth, but “Your” success, “You” success. Chasing of a dream does not have to be a chase, if “You” choose for you wisely. It all starts with you, look back at how your life was presented to you, in which parts did you have the opportunity to avoid a lot of events to put a delay in your future, your success. You can even start with the little warnings of school days, when you got your progress reports, parent teacher conferences, there are many warnings in life that we choose to ignore. Graciously enough we are spared through God’s grace, knowledge and experience. When you have been Blessed in life, you start to feel “Oh I got this”, then make those choices of downfalls once again. Experience is a great teacher; it’s what you do with the lesson that comes from that experience is the question and determination of your success, The “You” success. You have to remain on the right train to your success, staying focused can become one of the hardest moves to accomplish. For instance having the heart to please everyone and in the process does nothing but push “You” back. Stop allowing something to divert your attention which will ultimately cost “You” your place in God.
When your heart is in the right place, your desires will be in the right place. Don’t let a temporary pleasure divert your desires that are promised to you, don’t give up everything for one small piece of fruit. A temporary fix, a Sick fix (Kim’s great words), that will kill your spirit and cause you to have difficulty shaking the pain of “Your” actions. “You” are in control of your own Entrepreneurships; it’s plural because it first starts with “You” then your business success. Keep your mind right, you will need it for “Your” success, you will need it when “You” are Blessed with those Millions, whether it’s the Million of a right mind, or the Millions of the right Mind, Heart, and Finance. When you are right, the visions and desires will fall into place peacefully!!! Watch “Your” steps. Dedicate yourself to your dreams starting with “You”, gain your self confidence, get knowledge, stick to what you’re good at, stop doing and focusing on what you’re bad at. When you do that, you find yourself in a constant battle of trying to make others happy, and no matter what you do in the process, it will never get accomplished. (Watch what diverts your attention).
If you want it, then you MUST work hard, harder than the average. Losing sleep in the process, ignoring the naysayers, ignoring who is not there for you to help you push your dream, ignoring those who are afraid to tell you, you are doing a great job, ignoring those who have too much pride and see the success in you, and ignores you. Instead of being hurt by those, be Blessed by all of them. Use that as gas for your dreams, keep going and never be ashamed of “You”. You will know when you are on the right track when you have been validated through your spirit, and not people, when you are not hindered or bothered by who is not there for you. Most of all you will know when you have become dismantled from everything you know to be familiar, and it all becomes foreign, That’s when it all comes together, that’s when “You” come together. That’s when your Entrepreneurships begin.
When your heart is in the right place, your desires will be in the right place. Don’t let a temporary pleasure divert your desires that are promised to you, don’t give up everything for one small piece of fruit. A temporary fix, a Sick fix (Kim’s great words), that will kill your spirit and cause you to have difficulty shaking the pain of “Your” actions. “You” are in control of your own Entrepreneurships; it’s plural because it first starts with “You” then your business success. Keep your mind right, you will need it for “Your” success, you will need it when “You” are Blessed with those Millions, whether it’s the Million of a right mind, or the Millions of the right Mind, Heart, and Finance. When you are right, the visions and desires will fall into place peacefully!!! Watch “Your” steps. Dedicate yourself to your dreams starting with “You”, gain your self confidence, get knowledge, stick to what you’re good at, stop doing and focusing on what you’re bad at. When you do that, you find yourself in a constant battle of trying to make others happy, and no matter what you do in the process, it will never get accomplished. (Watch what diverts your attention).
If you want it, then you MUST work hard, harder than the average. Losing sleep in the process, ignoring the naysayers, ignoring who is not there for you to help you push your dream, ignoring those who are afraid to tell you, you are doing a great job, ignoring those who have too much pride and see the success in you, and ignores you. Instead of being hurt by those, be Blessed by all of them. Use that as gas for your dreams, keep going and never be ashamed of “You”. You will know when you are on the right track when you have been validated through your spirit, and not people, when you are not hindered or bothered by who is not there for you. Most of all you will know when you have become dismantled from everything you know to be familiar, and it all becomes foreign, That’s when it all comes together, that’s when “You” come together. That’s when your Entrepreneurships begin.
So now do you understand the first step of becoming a successful Entrepreneur, It starts in “YOU”.
Keeping “You” in line, it’s Dare Y’all…..Stay Blessed and Focused.
Keeping “You” in line, it’s Dare Y’all…..Stay Blessed and Focused.
"10Boss Entertainment"